SO LEST WE FORGET BOTH FEBRUARY 26, 1993 & SEPTEMBER 11, 2001!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is what it looked like under the WTC after 1993
The attack was planned by a group of conspirators.
The bomb instantly cut off the center's main electrical power line, knocking out the emergency lighting system. The bomb caused smoke to rise up to the 93rd floor of both towers, including through the stairwells which were not pressurized.
With thick smoke filling the stairwells, evacuation was difficult for building occupants and led to many smoke inhalation injuries. Hundreds were trapped in elevators in the towers when the power was cut, including a group of 17 kindergartners, on their way down from the South Tower observation deck, who were trapped between the 35th and 36th floors for five hours.
Altogether, six people were killed and 1,042 others were injured, most during the evacuation that followed the blast.

The World Trade Center is attacked for the first time when terrorists detonate 1,500 pounds of explosives in a van parked in the underground public lot of the WTC, two levels below the southern wall of the North Tower. The attack kills six people, including a pregnant woman, injures more than a thousand, creates a five-story crater beneath the towers, and results in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. Less than a month later, the WTC opens again for business and a yearlong, $250 million recovery plan commences.
The first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took the lives of four Port Authority employees, as well as an employee of Windows on the World and a visitor to the WTC. We remember them now, and always.
Robert Kirkpatrick
Stephen Knapp
William Macko
Monica Rodriguez Smith and her unborn child
Wilfredo Mercado (Windows on the World)
John DiGiovanni. (Visitor to the WTC)
The memorial that commemorated their lives was destroyed on September 11, 2001. During the rescue and recovery effort, Port Authority police discovered a fragment of the original memorial. It will become part of the permanent collection of the new National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
Response to 1993 World Trade Center bombing muted The US had been hit for the first time by Islamist terrorists on February 26, 1993. Six people had been killed and more than 1,000 injured when a truck bomb exploded in the parking garage of the World Trade Center in NYC. Only later did authorities learn that the bombers had intended to level both of the twin towers. Bill’s reaction at the time had been muted, as his administration viewed the incident as a law-enforcement matter rather than an act of war. By spring, 1995, four Arab Islamist conspirators had been convicted, and the FBI had linked the attack to the al-Qaeda terror network. Still, when Mike Wallace noted in the 60 Minutes interview that “it cost the World Trade Center bomber. $4,000 for all of what was involved” and asked what the administration proposed to do about “terror on the cheap,” Bill mentioned only that he would “try to get the legal support we need to move against terrorism.”
President Clinton not only successfully prosecuted this act, he did so without forcing Orwellian laws on the American people. The World Trade Center (WTC) bombing of 1993 has long since been overshadowed by the attack that brought the twin towers down on September 11, 2001. Yet, at the time it occurred, the attack loomed as large on the American landscape as the towers themselves once did on the Manhattan skyline. The attack killed six people and injured more than a thousand, the first casualties from foreign terrorists on U.S. soil. American authorities identified at least eight perpetrators, but questions remain as to the ultimate cause of the attack.The attack and its aftermath. At 12:18 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 1993, an explosion rocked the second level of the parking basement beneath Trade Tower One. The explosive material, as investigators would later determine, was somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 pounds (544–680 kg) of urea nitrate, a homemade fertilizer-based explosive.The blast ripped open a crater 150 feet (46 m) in diameter and five floors deep, rupturing sewer and water mains and cutting off electricity. Over the hours that followed, more than 50,000 people were evacuated from the Trade Center complex. A stunned nation soon grasped a fact larger than the incident itself: foreign-sponsored terrorism—which had long plagued Western Europe and parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia—had come to the United States.

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other terrorist incidents, "The United States government, then President Clinton, did not respond. Bin Laden declared war on us. We didn't hear it.
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